
Con Sede a: GELA (CL)
Indirizzo: VIA DANIMARCA, 18
CAP: 93012
Tax ID code: 01819280858
è iscritta all’Albo nazionale dei gestori ambientali nella/e categoria/e
Categoria “9” (attività di bonifica dei siti)
Classe “D” (amount of site reclamation work up to € 1,000,000.00).
“10B” (attività di bonifica di beni contenenti amianto effettuata sui seguenti materiali: materiali d’attrito, materiali isolanti, pannelli, coppelle, carte e cartoni, tessili, materiali spruzzati, stucchi, smalti, bitumi, colle, guarnizioni, altri materiali isolanti, contenitori a pressione, apparecchiature fuori uso, altri materiali incoerenti contenenti amianto).
Classe “D” (amount of site reclamation work up to € 1,000,000.00).
L’iscrizione nella categoria “10B” it is also valid for the purposes of carrying out the activities referred to in the category “10A” for reclamation of goods containing asbestos carried out on the following building materials containing asbestos bound in cementitious or resinoid matrices.

UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification
The acronym ISO 14001 identifies a technical standard of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) on environmental management systems (EMS) that establishes the requirements of an environmental management system of any organization.
This ISO 14001 certification does not certify a particular environmental performance, nor does it demonstrate a particularly low environmental impact, but rather demonstrates that the certified organization has an adequate management system to keep the environmental impacts of its activities under control, and it systematically seeks improvement in a coherent, effective and above all sustainable way. ISO 14001 is therefore not a product certification (like eco-labels), but a process certification.

UNI EN ISO 45001: 2018 certification
The ISO 45001 standard is an international standard that specifies the requirements for an occupational health and safety management system (in English: OH&S, in Italian SSL) and provides indications for its use, to allow organizations to provide jobs safe and healthy by preventing workplace injuries and health problems, as well as proactively improving OSH.
Consistent with the company policy for safety and health in the workplace, the expected results of an SSL management system include:
a) continuous improvement of OSH performance;
b) fulfillment of legal and other requirements;
c) achievement of OSH objectives.

UNI EN ISO 14001: 2015 certification
The ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements defines the requirements of a quality management system for an organization. The requirements expressed are of a general nature and can be implemented by any type of organization; last revision in September 2015 (ISO 9001: 2015).
ISO 9001 is the reference standard for an organization that intends to plan, implement, monitor and improve both operational and support processes, designing and implementing the quality management system as a means to achieve objectives. The customer and his satisfaction are at the heart of ISO 9001;
Each activity, application and monitoring of activities / processes is in fact aimed at determining the maximum satisfaction of the customer (and, if applicable, end user).
The stages of application of the standard start from the definition of the procedures and records for each individual process or macro process identified within the company organization.